Hālaʻ i and Haili

Lei are often associated with wahi pana, and so it is important to understand the place as well as the lei. At one time, the cinder cone of Hālaʻ i, and the forests of Haili and Mokaulele were renowned for the beauty of their deep scarlet ʻ ōhiʻ a-lehua, which were extolled in stories, chants, songs, and hula.

It is important that we understand the distinctions between these places. Today, many people call Hālaʻ i, the puʻ u, or cinder cone near Hilo Intermediate School, “Haili Hill”. It is not named Haili Hill. Haili was the forest at the base of the hill, which extended down toward where the Hilo Boys and Girls Club now stands. The hill is named Hālaʻ i. “Hālaʻ i” translates to English as “calm.” “Haili” is a sudden remembrance, or a ghost or spirit.

The lei lehua is the most famous lei of Punahoa and of Hilo. Many oli and mele honor this lei, and the environment in which it thrives.

The lei hala also is beloved in Hilo, especially in Panaʻ ewa. But it is usually associated with Puna and with Hiʻ iakaikapoliopele.

Hālaʻ i, Haili, and Mokaulele are part of the Punahoa ahupuaʻ a, and their rains and waterways are critical to the plants and animals of this area. The upper portion of Punahoa shares the Pi`ihonua weather system, resulting in the “rain line” you may have noticed, which ends just above Lyman House, more or less at the Boys and Girls Club.

Rains of this area include:

Hukiheʻ enehu, a fine rain which comes in from the ocean at early morning.

Lanipōlua, a fine rain with heavy dark clouds that settles in for the day.

Hālaulani, associates with the budding of the hala trees.

Palahīnano, associated with the blossoming of the hala trees.

Lehua, a chill, fragrant rain.

Kanilehua, a loud, drenching rain, and the most famous of Hilo’s rains.

You can learn more about the rains of Hawaiʻi in this excellent book:

Hālaʻ i [hah-LAH-ee] is the ancient name for the puʻ u (hill/cindercone) across the street from Hilo Intermediate School. It is the home of Hinaikeahi [Hina-of-the-fire], a goddess of fire, and sister to Hinakuluua [Rain-drop-Hina], and Hina of the waterfall at Waiānuenue.

Hālaʻ i was renowned for the beautiful deep red `ʻ ōhiʻ a-lehua which bloomed , and for the strength of its ʻ ohe, bamboo, which was exceptionally long and strong. Unfortunately, when the hill was cleared for development, all of the beautiful `ōhi`a-lehua and the  unique type of native bamboo was destroyed. The bamboo we see covering the mauka side of  Hāla`ʻ i today is an invasive temperate region species which was planted on  here in the late 80s.

Haili was an ancient `ōhi`a forest which no longer exists. Haili church was built from `ōhi`a timbers logged from this forest. The church was then named for the forest, a common naming practice at the time. The forest was pretty much logged out, and then what was left was made into sugar fields. What is now Haili Street was known as Church Street at first, and then when this area was developed, my understanding is that the Haili Church membership either paid for paving and extension of the street, or took a lead in accomplishing that, so the street was named for the church. Or, it may have been named for the forest, as the street terminates near where the forest edge once was.

Mokaulele forest still has remnants near ʻImiloa Astronomy Center, and extending ma uka of Komohana, but with continuing development, even this may soon be gone as well.

Merrie Monarch Festival is almost here!

Hilo turns out for hula in a week! #MerrieMonarchDasWhy! And the Hilo Lei Day Festival crew will be joining the Merrie Monarch Parade on Saturday, April 27!

Our pāʻū unit will feature Pua Kiele and the Maile Sisters, and possibly a dancing pūpū kuahiwi!

Pua Kiele, the Hilo Lei Day Festival pāʻū horse, and rider, Aunty Leilehua.

The Maile Sisters, a set of kiʻi hula, also will join the Hilo Lei Day Festival unit.

Pua Kiele (Gardenia Blossom) was created in 2012 for a show at Hilo’s historic Palace Theater. The show helped to raise funds for the theater’s new stage. He was “ridden” by Leilehua Yuen in her depiction of Hilo Hattie’s performance of “The Cockeyed Mayor of Kaunakakai.”

The Maile Sisters were created in 2005 for a Wailoa Center art show to celebrate Lei Day. Since then, they have performed numerous times on Moku Hawaiʻi, and in Japan.

New to Advertising

Aloha no!

We just started using the Google AdSense advertising service to help generate income to support our festival and programs. If you notice any inappropriate ads, please contact info@leiday.org immediately so that we can block them.

And, if you know of some very cool products we should promote, please let us know about those, too!


Urban Kīpuka Signs LoU!

On an auspicious day, Chinese New Year 2019, the Urban Kīpuka Project signed a Letter of Understanding with the Christiansen ʻohana to take kuleana for an amazing wahi pana in Hilo!

First test site for Urban Kīpuka!

As you can see, the parcel is completely overrun with invasive species. We will be testing mitigation techniques for removing the invasives and replanting with native and traditional species. We will use traditional chants of the area as a guide fo selecting plants to use in rehabilitation, as well as traditional and kanu plants with the potential to financially support rehabilitation of the wahi pana.

To assure its safety and integrity, the exact location of this parcel will be disclosed only to those actively involved in its rehabilitation.

YOU can participate and kōkua through the Urban Kīpuka Project!

Boy lei and girl lei

Maile and pīkake lei with saying, "E lei no au i kō aloha," I wear your love as a garland.

One of the questions I am frequently asked is “I know women wear the flower leis; what kind of lei do men wear?”

See this topic on Quora: Hawaiian Lei

The answer is that men, women, māhū, boys, girls, and any anyone else can pretty much wear whatever lei they wish. The important thing is that the lei be given and worn with aloha.

When I select a lei for someone, the first thing I consider is what the person will be doing, and how the person will be attired, when wearing it. Knee-length strands of pīkake would not be a good choice for someone who will be riding a horse, or surfing. But it might be perfect for a stately formal event, or for hula.

The next thing I consider is allergies. Be sure the recipient is not allergic to the materials used in the lei!

After that, I think of favorite flowers, colors, or anything else I know about the recipient.

There are some additional customs: Only give open lei to someone who is hāpai (pregnant). Since Victorian times, fragrant white lei are popular for brides. Lei hala are favored for graduations, funerals, and people from Puna. Strongly scented lei are avoided as gifts for musicians until after the performance.

Some flowers and foliage will stain clothing, but can worn with a low-cut or off-the-shoulder garment. Those wearing clothing which would be damaged might accept the lei with their hands, and place it where they can enjoy seeing it.

So feel free to give maile to a woman, and roses to a man. The lei is a cherished gift, and should be accepted as such.

Leilehua Yuen, wedding officiant

Liliʻuokalani Gardens, Sun. Feb 3

Making lei at He Haliʻa Aloha no Liliʻuokalani event at the park
Making lei at He Haliʻa Aloha no Liliʻuokalani event at the park.

We resume our classes on Sunday, February 3, with our monthly garden day at the park. We gather at 10am. Brown bag lunch. It would be helpful to have a couple of people make video so that our off-island haumāna can participate, as well.

Papa Oli 001: Please study Chapter 1, Kunihi ka Mauna

Papa Hula 001: Please be sure to read the lessons in Chapter 1 and Chapter 2.

Hula of the Monarchy: Please be sure to refresh yourselves on Chapter 1, Liliʻuokalani. We will run through Liliʻu E, and then discuss Kalākaua and Kapiʻolani, found in Chapter 2.

10:00 am – Gathering, Oli, Oli practice, basics

10:30 – Hula practice

11:00 – Gardening and lei making discussion

12:00 – Brown bag lunch, culture and language discussion.

1:00 – Pau

Make a Difference for Only 99 Cents!

For only 99 cents and a few clicks, you can help fund the Hilo Lei Day Festival and a year of educational programs of He Moʻolelo Kō ka Lei!

After you buy your copy, just share the link in your social media, and encourage your friends to do the same!

The author, Leilehua Yuen, is donating 100% of her royalties (35 cents per book) to the Hilo Lei Day Festival and He Moʻolelo Kō ka Lei. If every person who buys a book gets two more people to buy a book, in less than a month the festival and all of its educational programs will be completely funded!

You can maximize your kōkua by following the following steps:

  1. Click on the link and purchase a copy of Hua ʻŌlelo Lei for only 99 cents.
  2. Write a review (reviews really help to get a book seen on Amazon!)
  3. Get two friends to do the same!

This book is perfect for lei makers, gardeners, ʻŌlelo Hawaiʻi students, hula dancers, or anyone else interested in Hawaiian culture and arts!

Ready? GO!

The art of lei making is in a renaissance, with talented artisans developing beautiful new lei for every occasion. But the ancient language and traditional terms are disappearing. In Hua ʻŌlelo Lei, they are gathered together in one handy reference book so that they can be remembered, enjoyed, and used.

Lei makers, scholars, researchers, students, crafters, and dabblers will find this a handy reference which will enhance their understanding of the depth and poetry of the art of the lei.

For only 99 cents more, you can double your support by purchasing the Legend of ʻŌhiʻa and Lehua!


Growing up in Hawaiʻi, Leilehua was reared in the household of her grandparents, Henry and Thelma Yuen. Weekends and summers were spent at their beach house. Although there was a generator for electric power, light was often provided by kerosene lamp. There was no television or radio because the transmissions could not reach that area. There was no telephone because the lines did not go that far out of Hilo. Cable and the internet had not been invented yet. So in the evening for entertainment, they read books, played music, and told stories.

This story, The Legend of ʻŌhiʻa and Lehua is the first Leilehua remembers learning as a child. Like a Rudyard Kipling “Just So Story,” it explains in a fantastical manner how the beautiful ʻŌhiʻa-Lehua tree came to be. But more importantly, it teaches a lesson of love.

Leilehua also presents information on the natural history of the tree, traditions of harvesting for lei making, some vocabulary specific to the ʻōhiʻa-lehua, and a glossary of Hawaiian words used in the story. Woven into the story are two traditional Hawaiian hula chants.

The story is about 1,700 words long, so it is ideal for reading to children, though adults will find it an enjoyable way to learn some Hawaiian culture and ethnobotany.

He Haliʻa Aloha o Liliʻuokalani 2018

We had an amazing time at He Haliʻa Aloha o Liliʻuokalani 2018!


He Haliʻa Aloha o Liliʻuokalani 2018. #hehaliaalohaoliliuokalani
He Haliʻa Aloha o Liliʻuokalani 2018. Getting ready! Tending the lauaʻe patch.

Laura edging the lauaʻe patch. She was supposed to give a talk, but you can see, she is totally “Hands-on!”

The canopy where we will be!

Alyssa is such an excellent teacher, working with mom and daughter to make a lei lāʻī.

Some people are just tool cool for words! 😎


So many people came to make lei! Through the course of the day, 60 stayed to make a full lei, and over 100 talked story.



The Urban Kīpuka Project

The above image may look like a lush tropical landscape, but there are ZERO native Hawaiian species in this image. Except for the avocado tree (a 20th century introduced food crop) buried under an aggressive philodendron, all of the visible species at this site are highly invasive. Philodendron, running bamboo, and thunbergia have created an almost sterile biome lacking in diversity. Left alone, they will kill the avocado tree. There are virtually no understory plants, resulting in significant erosion of topsoil. The only fungi are molds.
A healthy biome comprises diverse species which fill many niches. The Urban Kīpuka Project will explore ways to re-create ecosystems with healthy diversity for small urban/suburban environments.

UPDATE: The Urban Kīpuka Project is no longer active as a separate entity. Its work is being carried on within the Hilo Lei Day Festival workshops and classes.

As so many of us know, Hawaiʻi has the unfortunate distinction of being “the extinction capitol of the world.” Many of our native birds are gone due to habitat loss and introduced diseases and predators. Many of our plants have been bulldozed away by development.

LeiManu Designs has started the Urban Kīpuka Project, which is developing small-scale low-cost techniques with which homeowners can easily add Native Hawaiian plants to their gardens, creating small ecosystems which can support our native fauna.

They are working with Liliʻuokalani Gardens and He Moʻolelo Kō ka Lei to spread the word about the benefits of using native plants in landscaping for erosion control, beauty, sustainability, and as a backyard economic driver in small agriculture and floriculture.

To learn more about this project, contact Leilehua Yuen [Leilehua (at) LeiManu.com] and visit the Urban Kīpuka Patreon page.