Caring for the Lei Hulu Manu

  • Check your lei hulu manu frequently for insect infestation and/or signs of damage.
  • Always handle lei hulu manu and other featherwork gently.
  • When touching the feathers, stroke only in the direction the feathers lie.
  • Only handle with clean hands.
  • Avoid letting the lei come into contact with makeup and perfumes.
  • Loosely roll or coil the lei with the lay of the feathers to keep them smooth.
  • Remove any pins or other metal objects after each use to avoid rust damage.
  • Cedar or mothballs help prevent bugs, but should be wrapped in acid-free paper, or placed inside a small container to prevent their touching the feathers.
  • Storage containers should be airtight or close-fitting cedar and lined with acid-free paper to protect from moisture and mold, and roomy enough to protect from crushing.
  • Keep the containers in a cool dark place.
  • Air featherwork several times a year, choosing breezy dry days.
  • Avoid getting feathers wet, especially if they are dyed feathers.
  • If you must wash the lei, use a very mild soap, such as Woolite, Ivory, or baby shampoo. Swish the lei gently in the diluted solution, then rinse in tepid clear water until all soap is removed. This will fade dyed feathers, but may be necessary if the lei is very dirty.
  • Photograph all of your featherwork and document by whom, where, and when they were made. This information will be priceless to your descendants! Also, in the case of loss or theft, you will need this documentation to file a report.