Please make donations and payments through our 2019 GoFundMe Page.

Mahalo for your support of the Hilo Lei Day Festival and He Moʻolelo Kō ka Lei!
Please remember that under the new tax laws, your donation is only deductible if you itemize.
However, we are now selling hot-linked advertising space in the website, and encourage you to explore that option! We expect our page views to rise significantly, as we now post questions and answers about Hawaiian culture and arts on Quora, as well as posting on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
You are welcome to use your ad space to promote any legal business, say aloha to a friend or family member, make a memorial for someone you love, or any other legal use you can think of. Lei Day staff reserves the right to final approval, but we have not had to turn anyone down yet!
Advertisement sizes and prices
Click image to make payment. Please send your advertisement as a jpg file, with the correct link, and a screenshot of your GoFundMe payment. Email to: In your e-mail, please include the page(s) you would like your ad to appear on. We reserve the right to select more appropriate placements on your behalf, and will send you the link for conformation. Custom sizes are also available. Contact us at

This image is scaled to fit on page. It shows as a full-top banner. See the top of this page.