A huge mahalo to the Hilo Orchid Society for another wonderful show!
Bobby Jean Leithead-Todd harvested kūkapaila materials for the Hilo Lei Day Festival booth, and demonstrated and taught lei-making all three days. She also had her gorgeous collection of pāpale and lei there, as well as a portion of her library, for people to see. Friends and ʻohana also brought materials throughout the three-day event.
Marcia Timboy and Ola Jenkins, our other Hilo Lei Day Festival stalwarts were there throughout the weekend demonstrating and teaching.
You can participate, too! Sign up on our e-mail list for updates on events, workshops, and classes!

Also, a “Mahalo nunui!” to Friends of Liliʻ uokalani Gardens for the loan of their table, table cloths, and for buying our booth!
Our next event will be at Liliʻuokalani Gardens He Haliʻ a Aloha no Liliʻ uokalani. Though covid necessitated a break in holding the event, the Friends of Liliʻ uokalani Gardens has been busy (appropriately masked and distanced)! Check out their Facebook page to see what they have been up to!