Sometimes it just is not practical to bring our fresh lei from home, but we don’t always want to use our permanant lei or lei made from artificial materials. Well, the lei maker is adaptable and uses what is at hand!

Most recently, nā Kumu Leilehua and Kimo Pihana were invited to Wenchang, Hainan, China, to share cultural perspectives on the International Lunar Observatory and Lunar development.
Kumu Leilehua decided to make her lei from the materials at hand on the hotel grounds. The gracious management and staff of the hotel were concerned that they had no one on hand who knew how to make lei for her, but once they learned she would be crafting it herself, they told her to enjoy the grounds and harvest whatever she liked.

We were there in early December. In September a typhoon had ravaged the island. It was amazing how hard the people worked and beautifully cleaned up their communities.

Would you like to learn more about the language of the lei?
Buy Hua ʻ Ōlelo Lei – A Lei Maker’s Dictionary on Amazon.